Summer School Show

Sleeping Beauty

Immersive Ballet

 Tuesday, 8th August 2023 at 7:00pm


St John's Notting Hill

152 Lansdowne Cres, London W11 2NN


Nearest Tub Station: Holland Park or Notting Hill Gate

(Circle, Central, District)


Bus: 52, 23, 94, 148


Performance and Rehearsal

8th August

Address: Holland Park or Notting Hill Gate 

(Circle, Central, District)


12:00pm: Rehearsal starts


* Assignment the changing rooms

There should be two rooms, can be used as the changing rooms, 

one for famale dancers and one for students

a balcony for male dancers


* Change into costumes and make-up, 

some professional Videographer will prepare for shooting.


* Familiar with the venue, 

the Director (Terrie Tai) will guide the dancers to from where to enter and exit to the performance area


* Rehearsal


* 5:30pm: The audience rehearsal


* 6:00pm: Break and make up


* 7:00pm Performance starts


* 7:40pm:  Interval 15 minutes


* 8:40pm: The end, 


* 9:00pm, the venue turned off the lights and the audience was asked to leave. \


All  pack up their belongings, help to clean the venue and leave the Church.


Please be quiet when you leave and don't cause complaints from neighbours.




For this performance, we will use immersive form, real scenes, a mix of theatrical play and ballet, and allowing the audience to participate.




The story begins 100 years after the princess was enchanted. The Lilac Fairy finds the prince and have at last defeated the Evil Fairy.


The prince's love broke the magic, the princess and everyone in the palace wake up, and the prince and princess held a grand wedding.



Emer Lenihan  -  Lilac Fairy

Laura Glare  -  Evil Fairy

Aitor Viscarolasaga López  -  Prince

Claire Guntrip  - Princess

Herman E Loginov -  Earl Romanov (storyteller)


Children's parts marked in purple colour

Staff parts are marked in green



Earl Rosse enters




 Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to my castle,

I am Earl Ross Romanov

I am a true Earl. 

It's a real Earl standing in front of you


Here is my castle,

My grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather..

Okey, I lost count

In short, this is my family's ancestral castle.


In this castle,

You see? Here is a secret room, 

I've never been acess

Look at these rose vines, 

what the secrets are hidden inside?


Do you want to know?

I want to know as well.

But, my grandfather told my father

This is a cursed room, you must not open it

And my father told to me:

This is a cursed room, never, never open it.


One day, I suddenly fell asleep in the garden,

I saw a fairy,

She is a true fairy,

She is the Lilac Fairy.

She flew over from afar and said to me:

A princess fell under the spell of an evil fairy,

The king and queen, 

and everybody in the palace all are enchanted.

In this room, 

the princess has been sleeping already 100 years


Lilac Fairy continue said

She's about to wake up now,

but she needs something to break the magic.

I ask her. what is that?

she replied "love"

then she disappeared

and i woke up.


I decided to save the princess

But I don't know where to find "love"


Do you know where to find "love"?

Oh, you don't know either.


Well, I'm go to find "love" now

Earl  exits


Lilac Fairy enters 


She looks at the closed door, looks at the thorn rose outside.


1. Lilac Fairy Solo - need choreography


Lilac fairy exits


Evil fairy with her attendants enter 


She looks around and feels everything is fine


2. Evil fairy solo -  reference video


Evil fairy with her attendants exit


Lilac fairy enters


She thinks it's time for the princess to wakes up,

and she wants going to find the prince to save the princess


3. Lilac fairy solo -  reference video


Lilac fairy exits


Prince enters

0.00 - 2.16 Prince solo


Lilac fairy enters

2.16 -4.00 Lilac Fairy enter with prince pas de deux 


the Lilac fairy told the prince

There was a princess who was enchanted,

has been asleep for 100 years

Only the prince's love can save her

The prince decided to save the princess


4. Prince solo and with Lilac fairy pas de deux -  reference video


Lilac Fairy and the Prince exit


Earl enters 



Did you see that?

The lilac fairy found a prince

he is a true prince

It turns out that he is "love" 


Hey, what is this?

(He found a card in the rose bush)

Is a poem


"How deep it burns

the gentle flame

of a candle


how deep it cuts

the thorn

on a gentle rose.


Life is as a candle

life is as a rose."


What does it mean?

Hmm, it seems like a password...


I see...

Come on, let we do something

we must to open this door



Staff move open set 


No, the evil fairy is coming, 

go, everybody go back to your seats quickly!




Evil fairy with her attendants enter  ( from balcony )


She saw the door was opened, she is very angry.

She looks around,

she look Princess bed,

she is laugher

she decided to guard the place herself

solo and with her attendants


She suddenly felt something approaching

she listened alertly, and then  solo, 

her attendants around her dance.


5. Evil fairy with her attendants Solo and corps


 0:00 - 1:42 (reference video)

1:42 - 13:20 (need choreography)


Interval 15 minutes



Prince and Lilac fairy enter


They come to the princess' room

The evil fairie and attendants are coming

The two fairies and the prince pas de trios

they fight


The prince run up to kiss the princess

Evil fairy holding her head, her magic has failed


The Evil Fairy and the attendants  exit


The princess wakes up and with the prince pas de deux


6. Prince, Lilac Fairy, Evil Fairy Pas de trois, Princess wake up


Trumpeters standing on the balcony blowing their horns

 trumpeters run down 


Everybody in the palace woke up, 

mime and dance

they yawn

king and Queen meet Prince

they thank the Lilac fairy


7. Dance of the Trumpeter  (Children)

Dance of all Character of the Palace  (Children)

8. White Cat (Children)

9. Blue Bird  (Children)

10. Little Red Riding Hood  (Children)

11. Princess and Prince Grand pas de deux

12. Garland Waltz corps de ballet  (Children)


13. Wedding -  Mime and Dance 


Earl wipes his tears



They lived happily ever after

thank you all

Good night


Let's all join in this grand wedding!



The End


Dance again with the audience

Performance Venue